Critical Reflection

Module learning: 

Reflecting on my journey through this module, I successfully achieved the goal I had set for myself of presenting to large groups. One significant factor that contributed to my ability to present confidently to large crowds was Professor Blackstone’s method of having us read texts aloud in class. Initially, I was apprehensive about this teaching approach, but over time, I realised that it helped me to refine my public speaking skills and become more comfortable with my peers. The insights gained from Garr Reynold’s “Presentation Tips”, “Design Tips”, and “Delivery Tips” further enhanced my ability to deliver a smooth presentation. 

The incorporation of blog posts provided a unique yet beneficial platform for receiving valuable feedback from both my peers and Professor. These feedback enhanced my learning experience by pinpointing areas for improvement and development, allowing me to review and refine my work. Furthermore, it facilitated a deeper understanding of diverse perspectives to broaden understanding and foster critical thinking.

Moving forward, although I acknowledge that I have accomplished the goal I set for myself in this module, I recognise that there is still room for improvement. To enhance my communication and critical thinking skills further, I will practice effective communication and actively seek feedback from peers and mentors whenever possible. A significant takeaway from this module is the array of transferable skills I have acquired, which I believe will prove valuable both in my daily life and in the working world.

Project learning: 

Reflecting on my project learning experience, I chose to focus on enhancing my teamwork skills. Through this project, I learned valuable lessons about collaboration, communication, and the dynamics of working in a team setting. It was also an honour to work alongside Nadiah, Mudz, and Yao Yang. 

One key aspect I discovered about myself is my ability to adapt to different team roles and contribute effectively to group tasks. I realised the importance of clear communication and active listening in fostering a cohesive team environment. By actively participating in group discussions and offering constructive feedback, I not only contributed to the project’s success but also learned from the diverse perspectives and insights of my teammates. 

Moreover, this experience has changed my view of learning by highlighting the power of collaboration and collective problem-solving. I now understand that learning is not just about individual knowledge acquisition but also about leveraging collective strengths to achieve common goals. Moving forward, I will carry forward the lessons learned from this project, such as effective communication, teamwork, and adaptability, into future endeavors, both academically and professionally. 

Overall, I must say that this module was incredibly enjoyable; the me from 13 weeks ago would not have expected to feel this way. I remember entering class with no expectations at all, but now, after 13 weeks, I am leaving with a wealth of valuable soft skills. Thank you, Professor Blackstone, for making these past 13 weeks so enjoyable and enriching. 


  1. Thank you very much, Shirlyn, for this well crafted, highly detailed and insightful reflection.


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